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Childcare Excursions

To holistically grow and develop, it takes more then just the day to day play at childcare. We also work closely with our local communities to provide both extra-curricular and excursion programs.
Our KingKids children love the childcare extra-curricular programs and excursions we have as part of our early learning curriculum program.
Excursions and extra-curricular programs are an important part of our activities as they provide valuable opportunities for children to build their confidence, explore new things and enhance their social and safety skills. This also helps them develop the skills needed as they eventually move on to primary school.
As one of the key focuses at KingKids is sustainability, we take the opportunity to show children our natural environment, like parks and gardens, along with activities around environmental sustainability.
When running our weekly extra-curricular programs, we look at the development of children to inform what sort of program we look to run. This is because we believe that these valuable learning opportunities should be used to support children’s holistic growth and development.
Both our extra-curricular programs (bringing external programs into our service) and excursion programs (taking the children to do an activity out in the community) are offered to all age groups and all expenses are covered by the service. Whenever we plan to leave the service for a community excursion, parent permissions will be sought along with a risk minimisation plan to ensure the health and safety of each of our children.
Childcare Excursions
The excursions vary between centres based on their locations and nearby areas of interest. We also like to work collaboratively with families on what programs/incursions they would like to see at our centre and what interests their child/children have.
Some of the excursions our children have taken part in in the past include:
- Cranbourne Botanic Gardens
- Bike Ed
- Local Fire Station
- Melbourne Aquarium
- Bush Kinder
- Science Works
- Swim School
- Myuna Farm
- Bunjil Place – Theatre
- Local Libraries
Childcare Extra-curricular Program
Our KingKids childcare centres each have their own extra-curricular programs to enhance the learning opportunities for children, and they can change each year based on the curriculum and children’s area of interests.
Some of the regular extra-curricular programs you might see at our childcare centres include:
- Music
- Sports Days (eg fun Olympics day)
- Science
- Language
- Cooking
- Bike Ed
- Soccer
- Yoga
- Visits from special guests, such as Indigenous Community Members
Bush Kinder
There is something magical that happens when we leave the four walls of our classroom and head into the natural environment as part of our bush kinder program.
We have found that the learning htat can be had when in the presence of nature is unmatched. There are countless opportunities to build, story tell, count, care for plants, use our imagination when viewing clouds or engaging in imaginative play in our bush cubbies.
A Bush Kinder session might be a visit to local gardens or a walk to a nearby park or playground. Along the way we encourage children to collect materials like leaves, bark and stones which we can use later in fun projects.
Usually, these Bush Kinder sessions are on foot and we’re a walking bus to our destination. This presents a good opportunity to teach children about safety, looking out for others and kindness.
The safety and wellbeing of the children in our care is always a priority for any excursion or incursion we have. So much so, that it forms one of our philosophical pillars and values.
We have our own risk assessment process before any excursion and a parent/guardian authorisation process is in place.
We also take the opportunity on our excursions or Bush Kinder sessions to educate children about road safety and the safety of others when we are walking in a group.
We also incorporate the teaching of road and parkland safety into our programs in the lead up to leaving the service for the very first time. This provides us with the chance to make sure that we will be safe before we leave.