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KingKids Philosophy

Childcare Philosophy
Over-arched by collaboration with our families and communities our childcare philosophy has it’s foundations in:
- Sustainable practices
- The Child Safety Standards National Law and Regulations
- The National Quality Standards
- The Early Years Learning Framework and with acknowledgement and respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
Children are naturally energetic, curious, and creative. It is our belief that we need to harness these traits and provide stimulating spaces that allows children to explore, discover and learn in both a structured and an unstructured environment.
Learning occurs differently for each child; we change the way in which we teach to adapt to each child’s learning style allowing them to grow and develop at their own pace.
We acknowledge that learning is more than just formal education and we treat all interactions with children as opportunities for learning and growth.
Children’s voices and ideas are integral in planning experiences, so our holistic programming is based upon extending on children’s interests and abilities while encouraging children to make decisions about their learning.
We take our responsibility to minimise hazards and provide a safe, secure environment seriously. This does not mean that we are risk adverse, rather aim to be risk aware as we believe that by taking appropriate challenges, children develop independence.
Our Educators role model safe practices and life skills that aid in developing children into responsible, independent people with the ability to self-regulate their behaviours.
Safety means that we teach children respect for themselves, their body, their peers, their families, and the community that they live in. This respect extends to having active bodies and a nutritious, well-balanced diet.
We recognise that children are experimenting with the world around them and with this comes a lot of firsts – their first steps, first friends, first drawings etc.
At KingKids we encourage our children to try new experiences, recognising that they won’t get everything right the first time and that they will need to keep persevering to master new skills. We use this learning process to develop confident, empowered and engaged children promoting positive self-esteem and problem-solving skills.
Through resilience children learn respect and acceptance of themselves, their peers and our community, with their similarities and diversities.
Every child has the right to play! Evidence suggests that when children are having fun while playing, they are more likely to be engaged, participate, and take risks as well as retain more information.
Flexible learning environments offer open ended activities that fosters the imagination to explore and discover the world around them. These environments allow children to develop their natural curiosity and creativity.
Laughter is often the best medicine, we encourage children to have fun with their friends, promoting social skills and developing reciprocal relationships.
What does this mean for you?
We believe that merely stating a childcare philosophy is useless unless it is entrenched into everything that you do. So, when you choose KingKids the following are our promises to you:
Our childcare philosophy is a living document that is reviewed regularly with input from families, team members and the wider community. Like our programs, our philosophy is not set in stone, it is emergent and as such reflects our belief in life-long learning and continuous improvement… like us as human beings; it can only get better.
- We will respect your individual parenting style and work in partnership with you to create a learning environment that promotes the wellbeing of your child.
- We will value your ideas and contributions so that we can do things better than before.
- We will encourage fairness, creativity, flexibility, and initiative in our team so that they are best able to use their skills and qualifications.
- Everyone will be encouraged to appreciate the qualities and similarities amongst us as well as accepting and being respectful of our differences; essentially recognising and valuing everyone’s right of choice.